
TV Maintenance Service

We understand the importance of keeping your TV in peak condition for an uninterrupted and enjoyable viewing experience. With our comprehensive TV maintenance services, we strive to extend the lifespan of your television while ensuring optimal performance. Our team of dedicated technicians is committed to providing top-notch maintenance solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Regular Cleaning and Dusting : Over time, dust and debris can accumulate on your TV, affecting both its appearance and performance. Our maintenance services include thorough cleaning and dusting to keep your TV looking and functioning like new.

Software Updates and Firmware Upgrades : Stay current with the latest features and improvements. We provide regular software updates and firmware upgrades to ensure that your TV operates with the latest technology.

Visual and Audio Calibration : Enhance your viewing and listening experience. Our technicians will calibrate your TV's visual and audio settings for optimal clarity, color accuracy, and sound quality.

Inspecting and Tightening Connections : Loose connections can lead to various issues. We inspect and tighten all relevant connections, including power cables, HDMI ports, and audio/video inputs, to prevent potential problems.